Artificial Disc Replacement
Advanced disc replacement implants now available offer improved safety and a "Quality of Motion" that makes them truly deserve the title
"Artificial Disc".

Quality of Motion
Disc replacement technology has come a long way in recent years and thousands of fusions are now being avoided. Improved disc replacement implants now provide a natural "Quality of Motion" unlike any of the early disc replacement implant designs.

Unlike the early disc replacement designs, the advanced disc replacement implants now available offer improved end-plate fixation, reducing implant migration and the risk of revision surgery. These disc replacement implants also have motion control, to reduce post-op hyper-activity and long term complications caused by early ball-in-socket disc replacement implants, which have been found to stress facet joints, ligaments, and muscles causing future complications. These next generation disc replacement products also have added the safety of shock absorption, to prevent injury to adjacent structures.

Yes, we can now do multi-level disc replacement, lumbar and cervical disc replacement, all without many of the complications involved with fusion and early disc replacement products still in use today.

We are now offering the breakthrough Spinal Kinetics M6 disc replacement implant for the Cervical and Lumbar spine. The first disc replacement implant to truly deserve the title "Artificial Disc". This implant achieves the ultimate goal of replicating the healthy human disc. By providing shock absorption and graded variable motion resistance, the M6 disc replacement works in concert with the remaining human discs, to provide the best possible outcome. This "Quality of Motion" is a major benefit not available in any other disc replacement implant we have seen!

Are you confused about what treatment is the best option for you?
Exploring your international options will open your eyes to options you likely would not be offered locally.
Maybe you have been told you are not a candidate for Disc Replacement. You could be considering a temporary solution like discetomy, laminectomy or laser surgery. Some are told that fusion is their only option in error.

Evaluations can be done easily by mailing your images to us.
In order to determine what treatment is right for you, you need a comprehensive evaluation, done by our team of surgeons, who are experienced with the full range of globally available options.
Our surgeons will provide you a complete written evaluation (diagnosis and surgery plan) free of charge.

Click here to begin the simple evaluation and scheduling process.

Why is our solution better?
In the last decades medical technology has moved forward at a faster than ever pace. Yet many surgeons remain stuck in the past, using outdated disc replacement technology, or simply limited by regulation.
Due to US regulatory restrictions, limitations of the approved disc replacement products, and the inexperience of many surgeons, many patients will be exposed to unnecessary risk, get debilitating fusion surgery, or continue to suffer needlessly. Most, never knowing there are better options available, and surgeons with the experience and technology required to help them.
Many surgeons still think disc replacement is a new and unproven technology.
This is far from the truth!
Some still think disc replacement is only a single level solution or are using outdated high risk disc replacement implants.
Don't take any chances!
Get an evaluation by experienced Disc Replacement surgeons, using all the up to date technology now!

Tragically, patients with severe loss of disc space, previous surgeries, more than one level needed, and many other factors may be excluded from disc replacement surgery in error. Additionally, it is quite likely that single level procedures are often performed when multi-level indications exist, resulting in poor results and risky second surgeries. Don't risk a single level procedure if you have multi-level indications. Read your reports! Many multi-level Disc Replacements are performed with great success, and L3-4 or Cervical disc replacements are quite common.

You need a surgeons with the experience and freedom to consider all the affected levels, all the treatment options and implants available, and create a total multi-level solution, as needed, without bias or restriction.
Our Surgeon Dr. Ritter-Lang will create your spine solution from an extensive list of globally available device options. Disc replacement at levels adjacent to previously fused levels, even multi device disc replacement plus fusion procedures, for more advanced multi-level cases, are done with great success.
Even multi-level solutions that include Disc Replacement, Disc Nucleus Augmentation and new Fusion Technology, as appropriate for each individual level, are offered.
Disc replacement surgery requires a high level of experience, to get the correct diagnosis and surgery plan, avoid risks to vital organs, and carefully balance proper implant placement with the resulting impact of the procedure on the spine.

Quality of Life
The goal of disc replacement is to return the patient to an active high quality life.
Disc Replacement, developed in Germany over 20 years ago, is now the new gold standard, and has all but eliminated the debilitating tragedy of spinal fusion (except in the US, where this process has been slowed by regulation).
These surgeons have taken disc replacement to the next level, with improved implants (not yet available in the US) high risk revision surgeries have all but been eliminated, and disc replacement is now used to create multi-level solutions for both the lumbar and cervical spine. Even with fusion and adjacent to existing fusion!
Our surgeons can go beyond simple disc replacement or fusion to create a complete multi-level spine solution which can include combinations of the best disc replacment technology, stabilization, fusion, and other treatments, if needed.

Cervical Disc Replacement
See Spinal Kinetics M6 Cervical Disc
Lumbar Disc Replacement
See Spinal Kinetics M6 Lumbar Disc
Over 25,000 Spinal Kinetics M6 discs have been implanted worldwide
with no implant failures or migrations to date.
We find that 95% of M6 patients report significant pain reduction and symptom relief.

Dr. Ritter-Lang has placed over 5,000 ADR implants and was the first to implant the Spinal Kinetics M6 disc replacement. Choose your surgeons carefully!
Getting the best implant and an experienced surgeon is critical!

Quality of Care
Our surgeons use KTQ certified facilities to provides the most advanced spine solutions and disc replacement implants available worldwide.
Dr. Ritter-Lang is among an elite group of the most experienced Disc Replacement surgeons in the world, and has dedicated his career to the sub-specialty of Disc Replacement. Choosing the team that is going to do your surgery is of crucial importance. Our team is well trained with the latest implant technology, is highly experienced, and is doing the procedure frequently. Experience has proven that a surgical team that does more of a specific procedure will have less complications and better outcomes for their patients.

Why wait? We are scheduling surgeries now!
To begin your evaluation process; click the link below and complete the online form. Then, send images, patient data form (print and include), etc. to us. In a week or two you will receive your diagnosis, surgery plan, cost, and scheduling options.

Click here to begin the evaluation process.


Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement Success Stories

Jim | Patient Consultant | Disc Replacement L4-5 | April 2003
After years of suffering I was asking myself Disc Replacement vs Fusion?
In the end I avoided fusion, discovered Disc Replacement,
went to  Dr. Ritter-Lang and had a wonderful experience.

I awoke in the ICU, their version of a recovery room, soon after surgery and was told all had gone well. There was no back pain to speak of, due to a nice morphine drip, although I had a true sense that my disc pain was gone.
6 months since my disc replacement surgery and all is well, riding my bike, playing soccer, skiing next week! Still don't think heavy lifting is a good idea, although there is no pain to speak of. No meds, not even a Tylenol!

One year since ADR! Life is good, skiing, bike riding, rode all the rollercoasters an Disney World last week, basketball turns out to be a little painful the next day, I can lift 55lbs (my daughter) now, no problem. ADR is the best thing I ever did for myself!

Update: August, 2014 Well, for some years now I have been having increased pain in my back, mild but annoying. After consultation and x-rays it appears I am developing what is defined as facet arthrosis from post-op hyper-activity of the Charite disc. It seems this is caused by the design of these early ball-in-socket disc replacement implants. I have been using natural anti-inflamitories for my other joints for years and this seems to be enough to control this pain.

Jim is now your Patient Consultant for Disc Replacement
Call him at 541-840-9470, pacific time or contact at

Ironman Triathlete 12 years post Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery! Watch the video > >

Mike Banks | Lumbar M6 Disc Replacement | April 2017

Lumbar ADR patient Mike Banks sent us a video, working out 10 months post op. Mike tells us his therapist had him doing weights at 5 weeks, and he returned to what he calls "hard core" weights at month 6!

As many of you may (or may not) know after 8 months of being nearly bed ridden from a collapsed disc and degenerative disc disease I received a lumbar (L4-L5 level) Spinal Kinetics M6 Artificial Disc Replacement. The world renowned Disc Replacemenr Surgeon Dr. Ritter-Lang performed this life changing procedure. It was an experience that we came home excited to share with others, and an experience that gave me the push to open My Home Gym.