Disc Replacement Success Story - Sue
Case Manager - Sue Hart
Disc Replacement 2005 L3-4 L4-5 L5-S1
Working together with Jim, and Dr. Ritter-Lang Sue has become a key resource for patients.
"I want to tell everyone that will listen about the
Disc Replacement options that are available and help them find the solution that is right for them."
Call or text Sue at (231) 861-0865
e-mail Sue at

I am doing great since my surgery on Nov.4, 2005. I awake with no pain, and now know to stop whatever it is that I am doing that causes pain. The team is terrific. It is just over four weeks since my 2 new Maverick discs were added to my back at L3/4 and L5/S1, (I have a Charite at my L4/5). My first surgery in March of 2005 was so successful that I felt brand new! My reason for a second surgery was, I felt so great after the first disc replacement in March, that I went too fast and pushed my new back to riding three hours a day at six weeks post-op. I indured another substantial injury to my lumbar region very soon after my first surgery, it was my fault because I didn't go slow. So, I had a new MRI taken, showing that my L3/4 and my L5/S1 had DDD and I had lost substantial disc height at both of these levels. I was again undergoing spinal injections of nerve blocks and steroids to no avail. So, I sent my MRI off to Germany again and after the Doctor's conferred, I was again off to Germany. I had these levels replaced with the new Maverick. I am so thrilled with my progress. I want to tell everyone that will listen about the options of ADR that are available to them. I promise to not overdo it again, and take it slow.
Update 2015
Now that I have surpassed my 10th year anniversary after 3 lumbar ADRs I would like to thank Dr. Ritter-Lang, Jim Rider and the entire team at Enande for all their skill and knowledge in restoring my spine.